Amigurumi #2: Luma from Super Mario Galaxy!

Greetings. I have returned from the twisted world of biochemistry summer course, safe and sound, for the most part. I may have lost some brain cells along the way, but I’m grateful that I now have a couple of weeks to recuperate before the next journey: Year 2 of pharmacy school. Woohoo!

What I want to post about tonight is a project I had worked on for the last month, stitch by stitch, when I had a few minutes here and there between studying for biochemistry. I had promised my brother that I would make him a Luma (from Super Mario Galaxy), so I decided to start working on it after my Amigurumi bear was done (which has since been gifted to my dear grandmother. =))

The pattern I used to make my Luma is from the talented lady by the name of Linda Potts aka WolfDreamer. Since I discovered her blog that is filled with patterns for pokemon and super mario characters, I’ve been a little jealous of her daughters. They have a mother who can design and create any character that they want! But what I love most about WolfDreamer is that she is willing to share her wonderful patterns on the internet so that other ambitious, less resourceful amateur crocheters like me can have a taste of victory! So thank you, Linda. I know I will be making many more characters with your patterns!

Here’s a quick blurbie about Lumas, as copied from Super Mario Wiki:

Lumas are star-like creatures that appear in Super Mario Galaxy. Unlike most Stars, they have a tear drop-like shape, and come in many colors. They are much like Power Stars, but they are more circular and they able to talk.

Lumas boast the ability to transform, from minor planetoids to entire galaxies. They seem to acknowledge Rosalina as their “mama”. According to Rosalina, some can transform into Power Stars. Most of them make their home in the Comet Observatory, while others live on Starship Mario.”

Here’s my in-the-making pictures!

And the final product!
(apologies about the bad lighting….and I’m too lazy to edit it. :P)
Since I used a thinner yarn (and C hook), this Luma is about 3.5 inches tall – pretty small! I was originally going to add a hook to the top of its head so it could be put on a backpack, but I decided against it because I think Luma would much rather spend its time in the comfort of a bedroom than on top of a backpack with unexpected conditions. XD

You might notice that my Luma’s curl at the top is different from WolfDreamer’s: I just took liberty with the pattern by rotating the body 90 degrees so you see the curl from its side!

My First Amigurumi Bear

This summer, my mom’s friend inspired her to take up crocheting.
Seeing my mom look up patterns on the internet, in turn, sparked the inner artist in me and inspired me to do my own crochet projects too. In the past, I have learned the basics of crocheting from my grandmother, but I have never completed a project before!

One thing I have always wanted to learn how to do is how to crochet dolls/animals/characters.

When I googled for crochet patterns, a word that kept coming up is “amigurumi”. Amigurumi is ” Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll.” Wikipedia

Intrigued, I decided to attempt creating my own amigurumi bear. I found this super cute amigurumi pattern by thread bear artist, Cynthia Sickler, at DemonstrativeBears online.

I crocheted this bear using a C hook (2.50 mm), regular acrylic yarn, safety eyes (18mm), thread, and needle.

In my opinion, it turned out rather well! But only at the end, when I was trying to close off the head, did I realize that I had been making the bear inside out, which was why I had problems. Anyhow, it still looks decent…now I know for next time!

Here are my pictures!

July 9, 2010: The arms and legs are done! ( second pic is close-up of joined legs.)

July 13, 2010: I’m almost done the body…

July 14, 2010 @ 1:00am: I’m finished it..finally!

Next on my list…a Luma! (from super mario galaxy lol)

Thank you to Cynthia Sickler for the awesome pattern!
Thank you also to Youtube’s Nerdigurumi and WireMySoul for helpful tutorials. =)